söndag, juni 04, 2006

Internet Scout Project mm

...är ett förnämligt nyhetsbrev.I det senaste utskicket hittade jag bl a rapporten Botanic Gardens : Using Biodiversity to improve human well-being:

"Comprised of over 800 botanic gardens and botanical institutions located around the world, the Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BCGI) group frequently produces publications of interest for both the general public and those interested in the role of such institutions in contemporary society. This rather intriguing 36-page report, authored by Kerry Waylen, looks at how “botanic gardens across the world are involved in a variety of projects that use biodiversity to improve human well-being.” It is an ambitious work, and is based upon a rather exhaustive literature review and survey of BGCI’s members. The report contains information on some specific programs currently in place, such as the work of the Aburi Botanical Garden
in Ghana, which has successfully improved local access to medicinal plants by helping communities set up medicinal gardens. Overall, this is a timelyreport that is definitely worth a closer look. [KMG]"

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